Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! This Saturday, my friends and I went to a huge yard sale put on by my town and then went back to my house for a day of crafts/DIY projects. Bloody Mary's were involved as well and it was such a fun and productive day! The project I worked on was an idea I got from
Michelle's post. Mine didn't come out as great though, the words came out messy, but I still love it. I might try to touch it up. The saying, Sparkle & Shine, is from a song that my husband and I love and cut our wedding cake to. Aaaawwwwww..... Here it is up close, messiness and all.
And here it is from further back, the further the better.
I think it is a happy addition to our mantle. My cousin also made one of these. It was originally her idea to make them, after she saw a similar one at HomeGoods for around $300! Here's hers. I love the pop of yellow. (Hard to see in this iPhone pic, but looks great in person.)
Some other projects included painting and staining two coffee tables and a wine cork board. I'll try to get some of those pictures up soon. I love successful Saturday's!