Monday, May 21, 2012

Crazy about Green

I can't get enough green lately, well actually I guess since we first moved into this house.  And now I just keep sneaking the color in to every room I can.  Earlier this week at HomeGoods I bought some great green pillows.  One for my living room and two for my basement.  Originally our basement had no traces of green, but I just couldn't resist.  Here are the basement ones.

Yes, I know, it is very yellowy down there.  That will hopefully change soon.  Planning to paint the walls some sort of white.

Next, I got this chevron one for my Ethan Allen chair in the living room.  Anyone feel like HomeGoods seems to be getting better and better with pillows?

I also got some more green accessories for our porch, some outdoor pillows and a green outdoor safe tray.  The pillows are from the Christmas Tree Shop, only $6 each.  And the tray, of course, is from HG.

The little lanterns were a house warming gift from my mom-in-law.  So cute!

Well there's my green craziness for you.  Pretty soon this will be ourgreenlovenest blog!


  1. I love all three pillows. You have great taste. I love green. I want me some of those.

  2. Which HG's did you get these. I never see nice pillows at HGs.

  3. Your house is so cute! Love the new pillow from HG on your fabulous chair...I will be keeping my eye open for that green tray too.
