Monday, December 3, 2012

In the Christmas Craft Spirit

I have been fully into Christmas mode for weeks now and the calendar just turned to December!  I love that Thanksgiving fell a little earlier this year.  Our tree is up(two trees actually), lights are up outside the house and the decorations are almost done, still a few random boxes sitting around.  But, today I wanted to share an easy holiday project that's perfect for a house warming gift.

I stole this idea from a local florist and recreated it for muuuucccchhhhh cheaper.  I bought a few different white birch planters from Save-on-crafts (just recently discovered this site and love it).  Then I bought some mini trees from the grocery store and I had moss on hand. And I put it all together.

They were perfect to bring for Thanksgiving and will work throughout December as a housewarming gift.  I obviously made a couple for myself too, one with the mini tree and one with a white poinsettia. So cute!

O and that's my new pillow from Pottery Barn, love that guy too!

1 comment:

  1. These are so cute and definitely a great gift idea!! :) Saw your post on the Christmas Cheer link up and figured I'd stop on by! So glad I did, love your blog and excited to follow along!! :)

    Fabulously Vintage
