Thursday, April 21, 2011

Barn Sale

Last weekend, I went to a barn sale with my mom and sister.  I saw an ad for this sale in a local magazine.  I wasn't sure of what to expect, but my expectations were high anyways.  After driving down some windy roads with lots of pretty farm houses, we arrived at a long driveway leading to a barn.  The driveway itself was lined with goods and the barn was filled with antiques, yard sale items and some homemade crafts.  Here's a little pile of stuff we had half way through our shopping.

The chair and green vase came home with me, the bunny and set of two botanical prints were my mom's.  We ended up adding a lot more to that pile, including a few pieces of jewelry.  Everything was my mom's treat, thanks Ma!  I tried placing the chair a couple places in my house and ended up with it right by the front door.  I put a basket on it to hold our collection of mail and magazines.  This pretty baby was only 10 buckaroos!

While happily walking away from the barn with my new old chair, one more thing caught my eye.  I thought this little side table was so cute and then when I saw the $3 price tag, it was mine. 

Not exactly sure where it's going to live, but for now it's sitting next to a chair in our living room.

Barn sale success!  Huge yard sale to check out in my town this weekend, hoping the rain stays away.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cleaning up the Laundry Room

Yes, I am the only person who uses this room, the only person who will appreciate that it looks nice and neat now and probably the only person reading this post.  But it makes me happy.  The laundry room has been the holding spot for things we didn't know what to do with for the last year and a half.  Examples below: champagne flutes from our wedding, bouquet of ribbons from my bridal shower, a plastic bin that's supposed to go in the refridgerator?

Instead of taking down the wire shelf, I asked nonno, my carpenter grandpa, to make a wood shelf to sit on top of the existing one.  He then spray painted it black for me, with maybe a little help from my hubby.  And then I finally got around to putting stuff away and doing a little decorating (still not complete).

Now I have somewhere to hold all my vases that don't quite fit in the kitchen.  And a bonus is that they look pretty too.  I also hung some giant safety pins that I bought from Ballard Designs months and months ago, possibly a year ago.  Then I added a rug from Ballard's.

So happy with the result.  What do you think?  What could I add?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Little Weekend Projects

We had a busy weekend but still managed to get a few home things done. My hubby and grandfather painted a large shelf for my laundry room (pictures to come). They also hung up this Pier One mirror that I love in our basement.  I don't love how it looks against the yellow walls, but that's on the painting to do list anyways.

I also finally got to changing out a cheapo curtain rod with an oiled bronze rod.  I spray painted the original brackets so I didn't have to make new holes in the wall.

It's the little things that make me happy : )  O and I got a chance to put some of my garden creatures out in the yard.  Patiently, patiently waiting for warmer weather and blooming flowers!